The Eiffel Tower Insults My Intelligence

Ah, Paris.  The most romantic city on earth.


I went to Paris and it was nice for the most part.  I traveled alone, unless you count the people I met at the hostel, so maybe I missed out on something because of that.  Nevertheless…

I visited the Eiffel Tower, as is obligatory.  Here’s a shot from the “is it a male or female Eiffel Tower?” angle:

Near the Eiffel Tower's base

Near the Eiffel Tower’s base

If you love trees, this is great.  However, let’s take a closer look at the metal:


How unexpected!  The Eiffel Tower shares its ugly khaki color with the uniform pants I had to wear in Catholic school.  Nothing could be more romantic…

25 thoughts on “The Eiffel Tower Insults My Intelligence

  1. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Unexpected | Just Snaps

  2. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge – Unexpected | Chittle Chattle


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  8. OMGoodness I’m so happy that you got to share that with everyone
    but I can’t help but think that I’m missing something. You see, to me it looks just the same as all the other photos of that same tower that I’ve seen.

    • It may be that the impact is different in person and at close range. The pictures I see (usually at a distance) have a lot more shadows showing on the metal, which impacts the color.

  9. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge: Unexpected | autopict

  10. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected | WoollyMuses

    • Well, the photo seems to show that the Eiffel Tower is female… so no dice. Maybe she just didn’t get the memo that it’s Catholic schoolGIRL clothing that isn’t creepy in the bedroom…

  11. Pingback: Weekly Photo Challenge-Unexpected-2 | WoollyMuses

  12. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected (2) | Through the Eye of Bastet

  13. Pingback: Weekly Challenge: Unexpected (3) | Through the Eye of Bastet

  14. Pingback: Innovative Ingenuity: Genius or Labor? | The Forum

  15. Pingback: Unexpected photographs | Processing the life

  16. Pingback: Paris, France- June 2013 | Passports & Coffee

  17. Pingback: EIFFEL TOWE PARIS NOVEMBER 2002 | The Ladyboy Media

  18. Pingback: Bad Background Images Insult My Intelligence | Bumblepuppies

  19. As a big Paris fan, I ALWAYS tell people to skip the Eiffel Tower. Standing in front of it is not helpful anyway, if you want to take good photographs of it. And you can practically take good pics in every place in Paris, as it is highly visible. And the lines and the funfair atmosphere around it – a nuisance. 🙂

      • I hope you didn’t opt for the Bateaux Mouches, another nuisance in Paris. They are usually cramped with busloads of tourists. There are many smaller river cruise companies which are much more comfortable to be on. That makes me thing again of an idea for my TravelBlog that I recently had: Ten things NOT to do in Paris. Maybe I should realize that 🙂

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