Innocence Insults My Intelligence

The wonderful folks at WordPress who host this blog published a most interesting writing prompt today:

Daily Prompt: Pour Some Sugar on Me

What is your favorite sweet thing to eat? Bread pudding? Chocolate chip oatmeal cookies? A smooth and creamy piece of cheesecake? Tell us all about the anticipation and delight of eating your favorite dessert. Not into sweets? Tell us all about your weakness for that certain salty snack.

Really?  Am I the only one who is having a hard time NOT reading this as an invitation to write pornography?

22 thoughts on “Innocence Insults My Intelligence

  1. Pingback: Pour some sugar on me: Daily Prompt | ALIEN AURA'S BlOG: IT'LL BLOW YOUR MIND!

  2. Nope! And I gave in to the implicit invitation. They may well find they’ve bitten off more than they can chew when they/if they read mine!

  3. Pingback: Pour Some Sugar on Me | Knowledge Addiction

  4. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Pour Some Sugar Over Me | Chronicles of an Anglo Swiss

  5. Pingback: Daily prompt: Sweets | The Wandering Poet


  7. Pingback: Sweet-Cheeks/Daily Prompt | I'm a Writer, Yes I Am

  8. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Pour Some Sugar on Me | MythRider

  9. Pingback: Daily Prompt | Sugared Skin | My Voyage Through Time

  10. Pingback: Sweet cravings | A mom's blog

  11. Pingback: Daily Prompt: Pour Some Sugar on Me | Nola Roots, Texas Heart

  12. Pingback: Pour Some Sugar on Me | 365 Days of Thank You

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